Tha ‘Slighe Fonn na Bàrdachd’ stèidhichte air a’ bheachd gun deach bàrdachd Ghàidhlig a chruthachadh gu sònraichte airson seinn, a’ cur an cèill eachdraidh shòisealta agus phoilitigeach na Gàidhlig ann an Alba le barrachd dìchill agus dìoghras na sgriòbhadh air duilleig.
Inspired by the premise that Gaelic verse was composed to be sung, communicating the social and political history of Gaelic Scotland with greater intensity and passion than the word silent on the page, Màiri Callan’s ‘Slighe Fonn na Bàrdachd’ from this year’s Blas Festival will be showing on Scottish Folk Day. Màiri is joined by fellow singers, Alice Macmillan and Ruairidh Gray, as they perform ten Gaelic songs for which she has composed melodies and instrumental arrangements.
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