European Folk Day – September the 23rd

Welcome to the 2nd European Folk Day: 23rd September 2024!

European Folk Day logo

The second European Folk Day will take place on Monday, 23rd September 2024.

From grassroots communities to national organisations, and from individual musicians to companies involved in traditional arts at any level, anyone can get involved.

European Folk Day is by you, for you, for us…

The traditional arts are an essential element of European cultural identity and diversity. They are a source of wealth of a magnitude we can only begin to imagine.

There are millions of us who work, create and actively participate in this fundamental element of our culture. It’s time to celebrate that!

Coming together

Today we face challenges that we can only respond to by coming together.

The genre’s media presence is not proportional, policy makers have difficulty understanding and managing its diversity, and its does not have the recognition that some other art forms enjoy.

Until now we have not had a collective voice. The European Folk Network came into being to bring all this pan European energy together.

European Folk Day is the milestone for everyone in the world of folk music to show that we can come together and that we are an essential part of Europe’s rich cultural spectrum.

Join us for European Folk Day as we highlight the value of the traditional arts.

Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can take part in European Folk Day.

Get involved!

The latest from European Folk Network

The European Folk Day started in 2023 by a pilot project co-ordinated by European Folk Network (EFN) with financial support from the MusicAIRE project jointly organised by the European Music Council and Inova with funds from the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.